Mittwoch, 28. Juli 2010
Dienstag, 27. Juli 2010
2010 TWS Team Shoot Out Winners: Salomon!
2010 TWS Team Shoot Out Winners: Salomon! | Transworld Snowboarding
One of the best videos I've seen so far!!!
One of the best videos I've seen so far!!!
Montag, 26. Juli 2010
Team Shoot Out Winners: Salomon
Rodeo to Frontboard 270 off... Even in AMped 2 impossible xD , but in real life maybe not ...
2010 TWS Team Shoot Out Winners: Salomon! from HRsnowboard on Vimeo.
Sonntag, 18. Juli 2010
Recap 3 HSCS blasted his way up to the status: EPIC
All night workin on business stuff, I needed a "time out!" . So the first thing to do was to check on new videos at . While rubbin the sleep outta my eyes, I discovered the RECAP 3 of two of the best known Camps in North America: HSCS & CoC
First I watched RECAP 3 - CoC and I was as usually stoked by Alex Tank, Marc Swoboda, Joe Sexton(Nosepress Indy - so crazy) and especially Jonas Carlsson for his Tornado SPINS! Respect!
Check it out:
But when I ran the next Video - RECAP 3 - HSCS. I was simply knocked down by the introductory part in the Skatepark! "Zucker" how the Germans are used to say.
I began to wonder what´s expecting me in the following part and it became the most amazing 5min of Shreddin that I used to see for a very long time. Simply blasted away by a genious and innovative shredsession. What I saw on the London Gap, on the whole lotta Rails was simply amazing!
Convince yourself and AGREE!
First I watched RECAP 3 - CoC and I was as usually stoked by Alex Tank, Marc Swoboda, Joe Sexton(Nosepress Indy - so crazy) and especially Jonas Carlsson for his Tornado SPINS! Respect!
Check it out:
The Camp Of Champions - "Snowboard Camp C 2010" from Camp of Champions on Vimeo.
But when I ran the next Video - RECAP 3 - HSCS. I was simply knocked down by the introductory part in the Skatepark! "Zucker" how the Germans are used to say.
I began to wonder what´s expecting me in the following part and it became the most amazing 5min of Shreddin that I used to see for a very long time. Simply blasted away by a genious and innovative shredsession. What I saw on the London Gap, on the whole lotta Rails was simply amazing!
Convince yourself and AGREE!
Another Shitty Weekend At Home
Sinnbild des zurückliegenden Wochenendes:
- nerden
- nerden
- nerden
- essen
- nerden
- ps3 zocken
- nerden
- essen
- bindehautentzündung teil 2 bekommen
- essen (dicke Probs an meine Mum!!!)
- am Lago Longo chillen
- Zugfahren
Achja, falls jemand Interesse an einer Spiegelreflex hat, der sollte sich folgende Aktion anschauen:
Samstag, 17. Juli 2010
2010 TWS Team Shoot Out Video: Rome
2010 TWS Team Shoot Out Video: Rome Snowboards
Wahnsinnig geiles Video, dass bei 35°C weit mehr als nur ein Appetizer für die kommende Saison ist...wanna go shredding...NOW!
Wahnsinnig geiles Video, dass bei 35°C weit mehr als nur ein Appetizer für die kommende Saison ist...wanna go shredding...NOW!
Mittwoch, 14. Juli 2010
Folgefonna is WILD, bitches !
"The mountains, the forest, and the sea, render men savage" - Victor Hugo
Who the fuck is this guy, but hell yeah, I not know what Hugo is talkin about!
Folgefonna must be such a place where a man gets back to his roots. Fishin, Chillin, Shreddin!
Good place for recovery from society. The "Head" guys know what´s right and Felix Urbauer knows how to catch this on film!
Great JOb!
Who the fuck is this guy, but hell yeah, I not know what Hugo is talkin about!
Folgefonna must be such a place where a man gets back to his roots. Fishin, Chillin, Shreddin!
Good place for recovery from society. The "Head" guys know what´s right and Felix Urbauer knows how to catch this on film!
Great JOb!
Montag, 12. Juli 2010
Donnerstag, 8. Juli 2010
Mein Beitrag für die Gleichstellung der Frauen
Here comes Alexis, straight outa Insbrooklyn, mastermint of "new day", livin' the big city life in Berlin and she's just killing the fridge....
domina riding hardcore from alexis felten on Vimeo.
Mittwoch, 7. Juli 2010
Dienstag, 6. Juli 2010
Freitag, 2. Juli 2010
Another Weekend At Home
Fancy Pantyman liegt krank in Bamberg und ich bin, mit immer noch gerissenen Bändern, mal wieder in der Heimat, just chillin' and thinking about this Video:
Your secret from Jean-Sebastien Monzani on Vimeo.